RM 48.00 RM 68.00



有时候一不小心抓到破皮,还留下一dak dak的疤痕,难看极了!原来MCJ的这支祛痘精华有抗菌消炎的成分,并且还能够美白淡痘疤,舒缓和镇静手脚癣病皮肤的不适。


现在连续用了一个月后,痘痘明显减少,之前的痘疤也明显淡化,毛孔也收敛并紧致了很多,自拍都更就自信了 ?~
-------【MCJ 祛痘魔力精华】6️⃣大特点-------

【MCJ 祛痘魔力精华】是全马唯一一个同时具有迅速 杀菌➕抗炎➕淡疤 三重功能的护肤品极品 效果如同上美容院治疗一样快速有效 ?

【MCJ 祛痘魔力精华】的小分子可以渗透毛囊,清除调理造成痘痘复发的源头。

☘️24小时内 舒缓和镇静发炎痘痘
只需轻轻一涂魔力精华,可以抑制痘痘恶化,调节皮肤油脂分泌,隔天痘痘就变小了! 一整天毛孔都感到无比洁净清爽,好不舒服!1天内多涂几次,效果越快✌️

☘️适用于头发和身体部位, 舒缓痕痒
【MCJ 祛痘魔力精华】不只能用在脸上,还能用在其它部位。
轻轻一涂,能预防蚊虫叮咬;也可以舒缓和镇静发痒的头皮,淡淡 #有机芦荟 的清凉感,令人感到清爽又舒服?

有时候环境肮脏,造成手脚长廯,痒痒的! 千万不要再用手指抓了❌


⭐⭐⭐完美无痘痘的脸蛋,和光滑的身体肌肤一起Get! 家里有小孩或大人老人容易有皮肤瘙痒问题的话,准备一支在家掌门就够了~?

还等什么,马上留言PM了解更多~ ?

Struggle with pimples on face, back, arms or even scalp?
When over exposure to the sun☀️increases sweating and excess sebum production, dries skin out, which can clog pores and lead to acne formation.

Who doesn’t like beautiful? I dare not to take selfies because of these flaws?

This purifying essence surprisingly has antibacterial and anti-inflammation ingredients that can repair scratching scars and soothing body skin discomfort due to fungal infection.

After trying MCJ Purifying Magic Essence for the first time, it felt cold and not greasy. The roller design is superb convenient ?

After using for a month, the acne has been significantly reduced, the previous acne scars have also been visibly reduced, the pores get tightened a lot, and make me more confident in selfie?~
-------【MCJ Purifying Magic Essence】6️⃣ Benefits-------

☘️Professional and natural plant formula treatment ~ The savior of acne-prone skin
Make sure your skin has no pimples if you want a smooth skin.
【MCJ Purifying Magic Essence】is the only skincare product that has the tripled functions of antibacterial ➕anti-inflammation ➕ acne scars diminishing in Malaysia that gives you the same great results as the treatment in the beauty salon! ?

☘️Penetrate into pores to 99.9% killing bacteria and anti-inflammation
Pimples keep coming back, maybe due to dirty pores!
The small molecules of【MCJ Purifying Magic Essence】can penetrate deeply into pores to regulate and treat the root cause of acne. ?It kills bacteria to prevent acne inflammation and keep it from getting worse!

☘️Soothes and calms inflamed acne skin within 24 hours

The gross pimples are gonna burst at any time?
Popping on your pimples can lead to infection. However, ignoring it will make it grow bigger.
【MCJ Purifying Magic Essence】can control sebum secretion and prevent acne from becoming worse, leaving pores feel extremely clean and refreshed all day along, it is so comfortable! Apply several times a day for faster result✌️

☘️Suitable to soothe itchiness on hair scalp and body
【MCJ Purifying Magic Essence】can be used for the face and body!
It can prevent bug bites and also soothe itchy scalp. The #organicaloevera gives a hint of cooling to make skin feels refreshing and comfortable.?

☘️Repair fungal infection and diminishes scars?
Dirty environment can sometimes cause our hands and legs to become infected by fungus. Never scratch with your nails❌
This Magic Essence contains salicylic acid which can repair skin barrier while diminishing scars for fairer skin.

☘️Botanical extracts with gentle formula that penetrate quickly into the skin
Formulated with ? natural plant extracts that are mild, safe and effective for skin of all ages.

⭐⭐⭐Get a prefect and smooth face and body together! Prepare this bottle at home to tackle skin itchiness? PM us for more now?