RM 128.00 RM 158.00


*??升级版 ??*

天啊~黑眼圈太严重了怎么办❗ ?

MCJ 冻龄修护眼部凝胶是100%植萃配方?,含多种主要抗老成分,包括:_脐形紫菜、烟酰胺、多种维他命、瓜拉那_等,都是黑眼圈和鱼尾纹的克星,有效帮助抗氧修护!

⭐这次的升级版还加了7朵花??_薰衣草、蓝莲花、蓝雏菊、银杏、向日葵、金盏花、大红花 还有 海洋胶原、假交替单胞菌发酵和多重维他命_??


MCJ 这款冻龄修护眼部凝胶 轻薄且快速吸收,能够帮助消除眼周油粒?

一款真正靠实力抗老的眼部凝胶。?✨ 越早保养眼周=越早冻龄年轻LOOK,别等到眼纹出现才来后悔。赶快PM下单!

OMG~ How to get rid of my panda eyes❗ ?
Always get complained that my bare face looks so dead.
It getting more puffy and dry with some fine lines especially after having a late sleep.?

NOW I look more energized after using an eye care product. With just a little amount, it can take care of your delicate eye skin and instantly look refreshed!?

After sleeping late, apply it more often to help soothe tiring eyes and improve the appearance of fine lines which cause you look older.
MCJ Regenerating Eye Gel is ?100% botanical formulated which include a few potent anti-aging ingredients such as _Porphyra Umbilicalis, Niacinamide, various vitamins, Guarana_ etc. These antioxidant ingredients are specifically targeted to solve dullness and wrinkles through repairing your eyes' skin.

⭐Upgraded Formula with 7 flowers?? _Lavender, blue lotus, blue daisy, gingko, sunflower, calendula, hibiscus, marine collagen, pseudoalteromonas ferment extract and multi-vitamins_??

?Anti-blue light to slow down skin aging?
?Improve eyebags, say no more to golfish’s bubble eyes?
?Reduce fine lines, no more crow’s feet when you’re smiling?
?Reduce dark circles to give you a revitalized look✨
?Lifting & tightening which make you look younger?

MCJ Regenerating Eye Gel is lightweight and easily absorbed, it won’t cause milia instead make your skin feeling hydrated and softer. After using it for a month, you’ll notice a visible change in reducing dark circles!? A must-have eye gel for those who are always working overtime or sleeping late!

A real eye gel that does its wonderful work for anti-aging.?✨ Take care of your eyes' skin to freeze the youthful LOOK instead of regret after the fine lines. PM us for order now!